Well, inspired by Dave Walker's non-stop walking/running/cycling/swimming/fell running around the Island, I was finally shamed into doing something today.
So after tea tonight, I went for my first evening walk - and in the dark. Such bravery. From Onchan down Royal Avenue to the Douglas Swing Bridge and back was a six mile walk finished in 1 hour 12 minutes and 4 seconds. Coming home back up Port Jack and Royal Avenue knocked a bit of a shine off the time, and I know I slowed a bit by breaking one of my rules and listening to The Archers.
Which brings me to the bit about getting more speed.
My first revelation as to how to get quicker came a few years ago when I was out for an early Sunday morning walk. This was a 12 mile walk from my home to the Everlasting Bend at Laxey and back. As I reached the halfway point, at the Everlasting Bend, some Walking Superstars came towards me from Ramsey. They included such Gods of Walking as Robbie Callister, David Doyle, Roey Crellin, and I think Sean Hands. I turned at my halfway point and followed them into Laxey. They didn't know that a Lesser Mortal was behind them as I tracked them all the way to Whitebridge, gradually losing ground all the time. But I copied Robbie's technique, which seemed to be flinging the arms violently from side to side. And it seemed to work. I definitely speeded up and used that technique for a couple of years and knocked down the times on all my training walks. I have since learned that is not the real way to walk, and Robbie only suceeds because he is A Freak of Nature.....
Second Tip for Speed - I always used to walk with a radio, and always listened to Radio 4. I discovered eventually that when you concentrate at all on what you are listening to, without realising it, you DO slow down. I have learned that to maintain a good rate, and concentration, there should be no distractions at all. You need to THUMP, THUMP, THUMP, THUMP -- THUMP THUMP THUMP THUMP -- THUMP THUMP THUMP THUMP -- and keep the tempo up. Or for the likes of Steve Partington and co, it is more a case of Glide.......Glide........Glide.......Glide.....
So discard the radio, and just concentrate on what you are doing. You move faster.
I reckon The Archers slowed me down by a minute or two tonight, but it is important to know if Helen and Annette actually went through with it (they did) or if Susan's job in the shop is safe....
One good point tonight - while walking on the Prom tonight, I actually overtook a jogger.
Next Post - The Joys of Being Nagged by a Garmin 305....
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You should listen to some Prodigy Dad.